Gas Fitting Tawa

Gas Fitting Tawa gasfitters

Gas Fitting Tawa

Our expert gasfitters are skilled to resolve all kinds of gasfitting problems. If you have leaking gas line or your gas hot water heater is dispensing cold water then you are at the right place.

We provide emergency gasfitting for leaks or broken gas pipes across Wellington. We can generally resolve issues within hours depending on the problem or the situation. You can call us at any time for gas fitting emergencies.

If you have a restaurant or other commercial installation we have a lot of experience in gas burners and conversions to Natural gas or to LPG.

Gas Fitting Tawa - Gasfitter Services

We supply and install gas heating and cooking equipment as listed below –

  • Stoves
  • Hobs
  • LPG Bottle Installation
  • Gas Ovens
  • Gas heaters including gas flame effect or decorative fires
  • Instantaneous water heaters and hot water cylinders. Rheem, Dux, Rinnai.
  • Vulcan Freeloaders replacements with continuous flow units.

We install radiators and warm air central heating, we do ducting repairs and alterations. We install extra duct outlets and zone control to minimise heating areas not required.

If you have a fault code on your controller call us today. We specialise in water heater leaks.

Our professional team offers gas fitting services on 24/7 basis in Tawa, call us on 04 237 7097.

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