
Best home heating tips in New Zealand

In New Zealand, people typically switch on their home heating systems in the month of May. This is a result of a drop in temperature, and the clocks going back. To help you stay warm and cozy in the chilling Wellington weather, we have compiled a list of best home heating tips for you:

Only heat the rooms you are in, and central heating is not good for that.

If you insist on central heating, install dampers to cut off parts of the house not being used.

It is a lot cheaper to insulate a centrally heated house. Ceilings and walls. Just do it. Double glaze all the large windows.

Use radiant heat, you will feel it straight away.

Rinnai Gas heater Wellington Home Heating

Don’t use slow heaters such as oil heaters or wall convectors. By the time all the rooms are heated, you have probably left the room or gone to work. Keeping rooms warm for a long time allows huge heat loss. Spot heat is better.

Remove all louvered windows.

Ensure wooden windows are tight-fitting or replace them.

Replace sash windows with PVC or new wooden versions.

Put thermostats on all heaters.

Turn the heating off 30 minutes before going to bed.

Flame effect heaters are usually not for heating. They are decorative and expensive to run. Some of the later models are much better. They have a glass front to them.

If you use gas heating, try getting heaters over 90% efficient.

If you build a house, put more windows on the sunny side and fewer on the south side. Always double glaze. Some new homes that are well insulated can get away with 2kw of heating in winter.

Windows that have lots of condensation have large heat loss. Double glaze and use a de-humidifier instead.

You can calculate the heating requirements for your home or rental home with Healthy Home heating calculator. With this healthy home heating calculator, you can check the minimum heating capacity you need for your living room. This will help you understand if your current heating situation meets the standard requirements or if you need to install a new heater.

To discuss your home heating needs and best ways for your home, call us on 0800 484 353.